Research interests:
Category theory and its applications in topology, algebra and computer science.
- 2021.9 – present: Sichuan University, Professor.
- 2017.9 – 2021.9: Sichuan University, Associate Professor.
- 2016.6 – 2017.9: Sichuan University, Tenure-track Associate Professor (特聘副研究员).
- 2014.7 – 2016.4: York University, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Supervisor: Professor Walter Tholen).
Academic Services:
- 2024.7 – present: Area Editor for Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
- 2011.9 – 2014.6: Sichuan University, Ph.D. in Mathematics (Supervisor: Professor Dexue Zhang).
- 2008.9 – 2011.6: Sichuan University, M.Sc. in Mathematics (Supervisor: Professor Dexue Zhang).
- 2004.9 – 2008.6: Sichuan University, B.Sc. in Mathematics.